Love Is Here Where I Live
I borrowed that title from a song by Everything But The Girl.
I've always, time and time again, been asked why I have not gone abroad.
There is so much more out there, so much for me to gain.
The simple and honest answer is always the easiest answer to say.
My mom and the children are here. No amount of money, fame, or fortune will make up for the present time. The present determines our future.
My absence in it simply makes my future not the best one I could ever have made for myself and my family.
The reason I think of this now is because at some point in time in the past year or so, I have asked the girls (Nerissa and Jane), if they miss their mother.
It seems that they have remarkably fared better than me when it comes to our recovery.
I have openly admitted that my father's death when I was 12 took me 9 years to get over.
Now 2009 is about to end.
And here I am still in recovery over her death.
The memories still sting, but the difference between now and the past years is that I have realized that the worst is ever.
Everything from hereon in is a better day.
I'm not really here because my mother and the girls need me.
I am here because I need to be with them.
Love is here where I live.